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Friday, 31. May 2013 13:46 Age: 9 yrs

Plasmon-Enhanced-Attosecond-Extreme Ultraviolet Source

Category: Scientific Highlights

Published in Physical Review Letters


A compact high repetition rate attosecond light source based on a standard laser oscillator combined with plasmonic enhancement is analyzed. At repetition rates of tens of MHz, we predict focusable pulses with durations of ≲300 as and a spherical wave front at collimation angles ≲5°. Plasmonic mode and guiding of the attosecond radiation determine the beam parameters. The beam is robust with respect to variations of driver pulse focus and duration.


Figure: Simulation results: intensity distribution in the silver cone in the <nobr>xz</nobr> plane at peak plasmon field of <nobr>2×1014W/cm2</nobr>. Normal (upper panel) and oblique incidence (lower panel). Polarization is in <nobr>y</nobr> direction perpendicular to the plane. Oblique incidence angle is 7 degrees in the <nobr>zx</nobr> plane parallel to the inner cone surface. In both cases, the harmonic beam is emitted in the direction of the cone axis.

Lupetti M., Kling M.F., Scrinzi A. (2013), Plasmon-Enhanced-Attosecond-Extreme Ultraviolet Source, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 223903. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.223903Publications 2014

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