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Tuesday, 9. July 2013 13:23 Age: 9 yrs

Particles, Holes, and Solitons: A Matrix Product State Approach

Category: Scientific Highlights

Published in Physical Review Letters


We introduce a variational method for calculating dispersion relations of translation invariant (1+1)-dimensional quantum field theories. The method is based on continuous matrix product states and can be implemented efficiently. We study the critical Lieb-Liniger model as a benchmark and excellent agreement with the exact solution is found. Additionally, we observe solitonic signatures of Lieb’s type II excitation. In addition, a nonintegrable model is introduced where a U(1)-symmetry breaking term is added to the Lieb-Liniger Hamiltonian. For this model we find evidence of a nontrivial bound-state excitation in the dispersion relation.


Top: Dispersion relation of Ĥ with D=22 for γ≈26.4, μ=1, and u=1. Blue dots are the pairwise sum of all topological excitations. Red circles are trivial excitations and the right-hand inset shows the topological spectrum.
Bottom: Convergence of the two lowest trivial eigenvalues and the lowest two-kink excitation energy as a function of D-1 at p=0.

Draxler D., Haegeman J., Osborne T.J., Stojevic V., Vanderstraeten L., Verstraete F. (2013), Particles, Holes, and Solitons: A Matrix Product State Approach, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 020402. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.020402


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