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Monday Lectures
Monday, 26. May 2014

Nanoparticles and their environment: an intimate relationship

talk by Michael Walter, Freiburg Materials Research Center, Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg i. Br., Germany & Fraunhofer IWM Freiburg, Germany

Monday, 12. May 2014

Mathematics of crystallization

A talk by A talk by Ulisse Stefanelli, University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics

Tuesday, 22. April 2014

SFB ViCoM presents: Young Researchers Meeting

A ViCoM event- April 22nd & 23rd 2014

Monday, 31. March 2014

Ferroelectricity and magnetism in hybrid organic-inorganic compounds

A talk by Alessandro Stroppa, CNR-SPIN L'Aquila, Italy

Monday, 17. March 2014

Elastic effects in Materials Modelling

A talk by Céline Varvenne, Laboratory for Multiscale Materials Modelling, EPFL, Switzerland

Monday, 10. March 2014

Crystal field and magnetism with Wannier functions

A talk by A talk by Pavel Novak, Institute of Physics ASCR, Prague

Wednesday, 26. February 2014

From Electrons to Phase Transitions

"From Electrons to Phase Transitions"

A ViCoM Conference - February 26th to 28th 2014

Monday, 27. January 2014

Optimized-effective-potential method within the all-electron FLAPW approach

A talk by Markus Betzinger, Peter Grünberg Institut, Forschungszentrum Jülich


Monday, 20. January 2014

A computational approach to the microscopic modeling of magnetic insulators

A talk by Oleg Janson, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tallinn, Estonia & Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden, Germany

Monday, 2. December 2013

A soft matter science approach to eye lens diseases

A talk by Anna Stradner

Division of Physical Chemistry, University of Lund, Sweden



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Lastupdate: 19.12.2017 - 11:35