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Monday Lectures
Tuesday, 4. April 2017

Ab initio Studies of Excited-State Phenomena in Condensed Matter: GW, GW-BSE, and Beyond

A talk by Steven G. Louie, University of California at Berkeley & Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Monday, 27. March 2017

Structural and Physical Properties of Atomic Clusters

A talk by Qinfang Zhang, Yancheng Institute of Technology

Monday, 20. March 2017

Kinetic simulations of nanoparticle precipitation: an application to cement hydration

A talk by Enrico Masoero, Lecturer in Structural Engineering, School of Civil Engineering and Geotechnics, Newcastle University

Monday, 13. March 2017

Christian Leitold and Peter Poier receive their doctorate "sub auspiciis" by the president of the Republic of Austria

Two former participating researchers of the SFB ViCoM have received the highest honour by the president of Austria

Monday, 23. January 2017

Ab-initio thermal conductivity

A talk by Georg Madsen, Institute of Materials Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology

Monday, 16. January 2017

Quantum Embedding Theories

A talk by Fred Manby, University of Bristol, School of Chemistry, Bristol, UK

Monday, 12. December 2016

U(1)×SU(2) Gauge-Invariance Made Simple for Density Functional Approximations

A talk by Dr. Stefano Pittalis, CNR - Istituto Nanoscienze, Modena, Italy

Tuesday, 6. December 2016

Strongly correlated alloys and dynamical mean field theory

A talk by Alexander Poteryaev, Institute of Metal Physics, Yekaterinburg, Russia


Monday, 5. December 2016

Optimal Control of Collective Dynamics in Cavity-QED with an Inhomogeneously Broadened Spin Ensemble

A talk by Benedikt Hartl, Vienna University of Technology


Thursday, 1. December 2016

Turning up the heat in first principles quantum spin transport

A talk by Paul J. Kelly, University of Twente


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Lastupdate: 19.12.2017 - 11:35